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Household Earners Update through August 2021
MFO and SANEM have now been collecting data on additional wage-earning members of garment workers’ households in Bangladesh for over a year. As it turns out, the economic makeup of these households has remained virtually unchanged over the past year. While this might not be particularly noteworthy, we think it’s important to keep record of what these workers are willing to share with us, as the story might not always be so static.
So for now, here is the Garment Worker Diaries’ household earner data, updated through August 2021.
As always, you can send any other questions you have for MFO, SANEM, the workers or about the project to questions@workerdiaries.org
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Workplace Contracts, Part 3
We return to workplace contracts for the topic of this week’s Garment Worker Diaries blog.
We begin by asking workers if they receive an employment contract and if so whether it is communicated to them in writing or orally. Next we see how many of those workers who receive contracts report understanding the important contract particulars (job role, work hours, payment, dismissal).
Then we move on to discuss workers’ confidence in the accuracy of their salary payments. We finish by adding some nuance to workers’ certainty that they are being paid correctly, as well as briefly discussing the difference in women’s and men’s understanding of their contracts.
As always, you can send any other questions you have for MFO, SANEM, the workers or about the project to questions@workerdiaries.org
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Eid Update from Bangladesh for 2021
This week’s Garment Worker Diaries blog takes a look at three years’ worth of Eid data from respondents in Bangladesh. How much does a typical worker receive as a bonus at around the time of Eid al-Fatir and Eid al-Adha? Have these amounts changed over time? Do women earn as much as men? Are bonus payments being made digitally or in cash? And what share of workers put in excessive hours at the factory in the run-up to Eid?
And as always, you can send any other questions you have for MFO, SANEM, the workers or about the project to questions@workerdiaries.org
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Starting Off in the Garment Industry and Choosing a Factory
How do garment workers in Bangladesh first get started in the industry? Who introduces them? And how do they select a new factory to work at when the time has come to move on?
We developed this set of special questions with one of our partners and today we’re bringing you the answers.
And this is just a reminder that if you or someone you know would like to submit a set of special questions to us, the channel is open and garment workers are ready to share. The questions can be broad or very industry-specific, like these questions were. We’d love to partner with you to develop a questionnaire which can help bring more aspects of garment workers’ stories to life.
Please feel free to email Dani Ortega (danielaortega@mfopps.org) back if you’d like to explore the potential of the Worker Diaries channel.
And as always, you can send any other questions you have for MFO, SANEM, the workers or about the project to questions@workerdiaries.org
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Garment Workers’ Perception of the National Budget in Bangladesh
We’re happy to share with you a guest-written blog for this week’s Garment Worker Diaries update from Bangladesh. Our partner in the field, the South Asian Network on Economic Modeling (SANEM), offers up an interesting perspective on the newly proposed national budget for Bangladesh: What do garment workers know about budgets? Do they feel that the effects of national budgets positively impact their lives? And how wide of a social safety net do garment workers think the government should cast in times of crisis and joblessness?
For those who would like to read or share a Bangla-language version of the blog, please find it here.
This will be the first blog penned by SANEM under the current GWD initiative and we look forward to sharing more of their writing with you as the months go on.
As always, please send any questions you have for MFO, SANEM, the workers or about the project to questions@workerdiaries.org
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