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Garment Worker Diaries Update through April 2021
This week’s Garment Worker Diaries blog signals thirteen months of uninterrupted data collection during the pandemic in Bangladesh, from April 2020 through April 2021. Garment workers are still living under lockdown conditions there, but it seems that restrictions are starting to loosen somewhat.
You might have noticed that we’re sharing our blog with you earlier in the week than usual. We’ve decided to stick with this new schedule, as last week’s collaboration with Fashion Revolution has inspired us to do. And in case you missed it, here is the short film debuted in that blog in which we interview one of our longest-running study participants, Shila.
If you have any questions for us about the film, the workers or the study at large, please send an email to questions@workerdiaries.org.
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Garment Workers and Climate Change: The Socioeconomic Link
This week’s Garment Worker Diaries blog is being hosted by Fashion Revolution, by whom we were invited to be guest writers. You can read the full blog, “Garment Workers and Climate Change: The Socioeconomic Link” on their site.
In addition to being a reflection on the intersection of gender, economics and climate in Bangladesh, the blog introduces a new short film about Shila, a garment worker in Bangladesh. We hope you’ll watch the movie to hear Shila’s full story. If you have any questions for us about the film, the workers or the study at large, please send an email to questions@workerdiaries.org.
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An Introduction to Household Savings
We step back into Bangladeshi garment workers’ households in this week’s Garment Worker Diaries blog to learn more about savings practices. We also update the project data on additional household wage earners through the end of March 2021.
There are some interesting gender dynamics at play in the savings data workers are providing. We’re going to spend the next week analyzing this data and hope to have a more in depth blog on savings to share in the next few weeks.
As always, if you have any questions for us or the workers, please write to questions@workerdiaries.org
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Vaccinations and Lockdowns
Strict lockdown conditions persist in Bangladesh for the third week in a row in order to halt the spread of COVID-19. Last week, we asked garment workers to give us an update on the situation, and this week we wrote a blog on it.
We asked workers about COVID-19 symptoms they might have been experiencing and whether they know of any co-workers who’ve fallen ill. We also asked them about their vaccine eligibility, whether or not they’d know how to get one and even if they knew how and were eligible, if they’d want to.
We also asked them about their public movement and work commutes, because the lockdown conditions have been meant to limit movement outside the home.
Thanks for staying up to date with the project and the workers, and hopefully we’ll come out of this soon.
As always, if you have any questions for us or the workers, please write to questions@workerdiaries.org
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Update on COVID-19 Safety and Awareness
Garment factories are still open in Bangladesh during a tough COVID-induced lockdown, which has just been extended for a second week. We thought it would be appropriate for this week’s Garment Worker Diaries blog to take another look inside the factories to see what the workers have been telling us about their employers’ enforcement of safety precautions.
We also discuss garment workers’ own sense of the urgency about social distancing measures, and report on how many workers have been vaccinated so far, among other updates.
Next week, we’ll be asking more vaccine and lockdown-specific questions and we’ll share those data with you as soon as we have them.
As always, if you have any questions for us or the workers, please write to questions@workerdiaries.org
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