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Behavioral Segments: Spending and Transfers
In last week’s Garment Worker Diaries blog we looked at spending and decision-making habits to see what female garment workers are buying and whether they have control in deciding what to buy. We reported that for the most part, women report being able to make their own expenditure decisions.
This week, we keep the focus on gender, but we group respondents into behavioral segments based on their household roles to see if we can learn anything more about how spending decisions are made among garment workers in Bangladesh.
As always, you can send any questions you have for MFO, SANEM, the workers or about the project to questions@workerdiaries.org.
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Expenses, Transfers and Household Decision-Making
Gender, spending and decision-making are up for discussion in this week’s Garment Worker Diaries blog. In the first part of the blog, we focus on the most costly expenses garment workers incur from week to week. And in the second part of the blog, we discuss how garment workers decide to make those expenditures. Some interesting results arise when it comes to money transfers garment workers send to members of their households and to their networks outside the house.
We’ll also be sticking with this subject next week as we analyze worker spending decisions through the lens of a segmentation of women workers based on their role in their household.
As always, you can send any questions you have for MFO, SANEM, the workers or about the project to questions@workerdiaries.org.
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COVID-19 Vaccine Update from Bangladesh, and a New Garment Worker Diaries Website
COVID-19 vaccination shots are on the rise in Bangladesh, as we detail in this week’s Garment Worker Diaries blog. As we always try to convey however, there are shades of likelihood as not all workers are receiving a vaccination shot at the same rate, depending on a variety of demographic traits.
Also with this blog update, we are very happy to be sharing with you a newly launched Garment Worker Diaries website. We hope you’ll enjoy discovering all of the new site’s features, data resources, and of course photos, many of which have been provided by the workers themselves.
As always, you can send any questions you have for MFO, SANEM, the workers or about the project to questions@workerdiaries.org.
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Garment Worker Diaries Update in Bangladesh through February 2022
This week’s GWD monthly update carries the project through to the end of February 2022. Even though it was a short month, garment workers continued to work very long hours at their factories-many of them working hours in excess of the legal limit established by the Government of Bangladesh. This is a phenomenon we keep pointing out in our reports but it seems like no one really cares. Maybe it is because it is so common it is just accepted as the norm. Or maybe it’s because no one wants to point to the downside of the industrial success that is the garment sector in Bangladesh-the factories are humming, workers are earning, and exports are up.
But, at some point, people are going to have to start paying attention and caring. In a couple of years from now it is likely that buyers are going to be held accountable for excess work hours (and the issues related to pay that come with it, as discussed in the blog) under an EU Due Diligence Directive that is currently in draft form. Maybe they should start now.
In other news, the record number of hours workers logged in January meant that typical salary earnings in February were also record-breaking for some workers-for men, but not women.
Click through to read more.
As always, you can send any questions you have for MFO, SANEM, the workers or about the project to questions@workerdiaries.org.
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Education in times of COVID-19: Story of Garment Worker Households
This week’s Garment Worker Diaries blog has again been guest-written by our partner in the field, SANEM.
The blog explores the makeup of garment workers’ households in terms of the numbers of children in the household, as well as whether those students attend school and how they are cared for while respondents are at work in the factory. The blog also reports on workers’ feelings about how their children’s education has fared during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how much support they feel they and their children have received from schools and the government.
We think this is a very important and timely blog, and we hope you’ll agree. The blog is also available in Bangla here.
As always, you can send any questions you have for MFO, SANEM, the workers or about the project to questions@workerdiaries.org.
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