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Worker Diaries Update in Bangladesh through January 2022
The big news in this week’s Garment Worker Diaries blog is how many hours the typical worker spent inside of their factory in January 2022. Some of the high tally is due to the technicality of the month having fewer Fridays (workers’ usual day off) and more regular business days, but still, what we are hearing from garment workers is that they are busier than ever.
We’ve got more updates than just those for you, however, so we hope you’ll click through for the full story.
As always, you can send any questions you have for MFO, SANEM, the workers or about the project to questions@workerdiaries.org.
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Monthly Savings Data from Bangladesh, Q4 2021
Finance-related questions are a routine part of the weekly Garment Worker Diaries surveys. Regarding savings, we have a very good sense from week to week how much money garment workers deposit into either a bank or a home account and how much they withdraw. Even so, there are a lot of things that may be going on in the household that may mean that the balance of deposits and withdrawals does not give us a full picture of their situation at the end of each month.
So, we started asking them to track their final savings from month to month, and then asked them why they are saving, and when they plan to spend their savings. This week’s blog is the first to present these new kinds of savings data. In the future, we will dig into these data more as we explore workers’ savings behavior from a number of different angles.
As always, you can send any questions you have for MFO, SANEM, the workers or about the project to questions@workerdiaries.org.
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Garment Worker Diaries Update through December 2021
We bring last year’s monthly analyses of Bangladeshi garment workers’ daily lives to a close with this week’s December 2021 worker diaries update.
We aren’t planning on stopping data collection any time soon, and we hope you’ll stick with us in 2022 to see what else garment workers have to tell us. And, of course, feel free to contact me or Dani to ask about placing questions in one of our weekly surveys.
As always, you can send any questions you have for MFO, SANEM, the workers or about the project to questions@workerdiaries.org.
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Garment Workers' Contracts, Part 4: Salary Awareness
During the course of 2021 over multiple surveys we asked garment workers in Bangladesh to help us understand what they know about their workplace contracts, and the terms of the contracts they pay attention to. In late November we rolled out a very specific survey and dug deep into workers’ salaries, asking them how much they understand about what and why they are paid.
The good news is that most garment workers have some understanding of their contracted salary terms. However, there are discrepancies between men and women, and understanding breaks down the more specific the questioning becomes.
We think the findings are important and we hope you’ll agree.
As always, you can send any questions you have for MFO, SANEM, the workers or about the project to questions@workerdiaries.org.
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Garment Worker Diaries Update through November 2021
Our first Garment Worker Diaries blog of the new year is an update on the project in Bangladesh through the end of November 2021. We’ve analyzed some key data points using new methods, adding more nuance to the findings. And there is also some good news on food security rates and COVID-19 vaccination shots.
As always, you can send any questions you have for MFO, SANEM, the workers or about the project to questions@workerdiaries.org. And please feel free to suggest future topics to cover in our weekly surveys. We have a busy first quarter, but we may have slots for questions in late April and parts of May—a good time for some Ramadan and Eid-related questions.
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