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The Link Between Elevation and Selected Factory Status in Bangladesh
We’re returning to factory elevation and flood risk in this week’s Garment Worker Diaries blog. However, we’ve analyzed the data in such a way that an unexpected correlation has revealed itself. It turns out there is some connection between a factory’s elevation in Bangladesh, and whether or not a factory has had its name published on certain selected supplier lists. We hope you enjoy reading and also clicking around our newest interactive map.
As always, you can send any questions you have for MFO, SANEM, the workers or about the project to questions@workerdiaries.org
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Impact of the 2018 Wage Gazette on Garment Workers in Bangladesh
MFO’s partner in the field in Bangladesh for the Worker Diaries initiative there, SANEM, is again guest-authoring this week’s blog. This time around they designed a survey to gauge what effect, if any, the 2018 wage gazette announcement in Bangladesh has had on workers in terms of their workloads and the makeup of their production lines in garment factories. Just as a reminder, the gazette announcement increased the minimum wage for workers in the RMG sector in December 2018.
SANEM also asked workers to tell us what has had more of an impact on their work: COVID-19 or the wage gazette. We hope you’ll click through to get the whole story.
And if you’d like to share the Bangla-language version of the blog, that is available here.
As always, you can send any questions you have for MFO, SANEM, the workers or about the project to questions@workerdiaries.org
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Worker Diaries Update through October 2021
Our Garment Worker Diaries blog post this week is a round-up of the study through the end of October 2021. Among other news, food security is up as are COVID-19 vaccination rates. We hope these trends continue in a positive direction, and we’re thankful for each garment worker who continues to share their story with us.
As always, you can send any questions you have for MFO, SANEM, the workers or about the project to questions@workerdiaries.org
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Where Workers Live: Sub-zone Descriptions for the Worker Diaries Sample
MFO continues mapping out the garment industry in Bangladesh and the milieu within which garment workers go about their daily lives there with this week’s Garment Worker Diaries blog post.
We enlisted the aid of our supervisors in the field to draft descriptions of all of the neighborhoods the garment workers in our study reside in. By interacting with our latest map you’ll pick up facts about workers’ neighborhoods such as where they buy their food, which schools their children have access to, how they commute to work, and how they spend their free time. We also used land elevation data from Climate Central to show the vulnerability of workers to climate change.
As always, you can send any questions you have for MFO, SANEM, the workers or about the project to questions@workerdiaries.org
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Factories, Workers, and Flood Risk
In last week’s Garment Worker Diaries blog we presented some analysis we have done on the vulnerability of workers and factories to flood risk in Bangladesh. We are in the early stages of our work on this, but wanted to share some initial findings with you using what we hope is an informative and engaging map visualization. Your feedback is welcome as we continue to explore this issue.
As always, you can send any questions you have for MFO, SANEM, the workers or about the project to questions@workerdiaries.org
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